Monday, June 16, 2008

The most peaceful place on earth!

Do we look like an ad that has a caption "We're going to Disneyland" underneath it?So not true!  The caption should say, "Just came back from the most peaceful place on earth!"

Maybe the pictures will capture some of it.  Think: sitting on a deck, reading in the sun  or watching whales and dolphins, walking on a completely deserted beach, the sound of ocean waves crashing to lull you to sleep at night, s'mores EVERY NIGHT!  We are so thankful for our friends, the Van Vuren's, at Nascer do Sol(birth of the sun) in Chizavane, Mozambique who have made this quiet, restful place available to us each year for the past 5 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!! I would have to strongly agree with you guys and it's my MOST favorite place on the world! :)

Missing you guys!
Chelsea Berryman