Friday, December 28, 2007

An update to all of our previous blogs

Hi Everyone,
Before moving on to all the "new happenings" some of you have told us that you would appreciate an update on the prayer requests from previous posts.  Here we go:

The church in Nhagoya:  2 weeks ago, Rodger helped the young people of the church put up our large tent for use as a cover for the building that has a collapsed roof.  They are enjoying meeting in a shady and dry spot now. Praise the Lord!

Our electric bill situation seems to be resolved!  After 9 months, we finally received an actual bill and paid it!

Neighborhood Bible Club:  Megan and I continue to meet with our neighbor kids weekly at our house.  We learn songs, have a bible story, do a craft and play games.  The first week, they sat quietly and acted kind of nervous around us.  The second week, they responded more to questions.  The third week, they engaged us in conversations about school and helped Megan learn her colors in Portuguse.  The fourth week, both Megan and I got hugs and kisses as they left.  The fifth week, two of the fathers showed up at the gate to find out just what in the world is going on with our children and these white girls!  You get the picture.  God is opening the doors for us in this community and with the families of these children.  At a recent "bride price party" for Megan and her fiance, Mike, who was visiting from the U.S.(you can read the story on Megan's blog:  The children arrived with their mothers to help us celebrate.  

CALLING ALL TEACHERS: Still no responses except from my friend, Pam, who is a fifth grade teacher but has a senior in high school daughter and can't come....YET!! Please keep praying!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Calling All Teachers! Calling All Teachers!

After 5 years in Africa, and 5 years of being asked questions like, "What's a typical day in Mozambique?"  "What's the best/worst part of living in Africa?" and thinking, "I don't think I've ever had a typical day!" and "I can think of about 150 different responses to the 'best/worst' questions.", I think we've finally nailed down the answer to one of the questions.

The question of the day is "What is your biggest challenge living in Mozambique?"  The response is not "maddening traffic", "enormous cockroaches", "intense heat", "frequent power outages" or even "constantly being asked by everyone you know for assistance".  The biggest challenge has been and continues to be educating our children.  The older they get, the more difficult it becomes.  We know it's not just our struggle.  It's the struggle of so many parents trying to educate their children overseas.  

 Time doesn't allow for us to go into all the reasons why.  The number one reason is lack of teachers.  Committed and trained teachers.  Teachers who see themselves and full-fledged missionaries.  A vital part of a team approach in the effort to "go into all the world" and "preach the gospel".  A part that is now missing for us as a family.

So what can you do to help?  PRAY!!  Pray that God will impress on the hearts of teachers to share their talents and abilities with us.  CONSIDER!!   If you are a teacher, consider our desperate plea for help!  SPREAD THE WORD!!  Please recruit for us among teachers you know. 

Our son, Stephen, will be entering 5th grade in the fall.  He needs a teacher!  We are asking God to provide just the right person.  If  you are interested or know someone might be a good fit and would like more information, please reply with a comment and or contact WorldVenture directly.  Please contact us!