Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hansons, Franklins, Schmidts and interns, in front of our sign!

Scott and Brad, helping out!

Just thought we would pass along a few pictures of what is going on this week with the start up of MozOvos, our internship egg project.

We have actually been surprised that clearing of land and construction has gone so quickly! The manager, Senhor Bule, is getting multiple calls every day, wanting to know when we will have eggs!

Our friends from Lakeside Church, Pastor Brad and Donna Franklin and Scott and Valerie Hanson, just left today after a week with us. They have been helping us think through many things in regard to the internship program and the business. They have been a huge encouragement to our interns as they shared from God's word and principles they have learned from years of business expertise.

We are grateful to have wise partners in this project!


Ginger said...

Well praise the Lord!!! God provides!

Maribeth said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Christ's community at its best! Peace, mb

Jorge Pratas said...

Fiquei feliz por ver como Deus usa o seu povo no seu serviço e os anima e encoraja a prosseguir!
"Estamos juntos"servindo e ajudando o povo Moçambicano.
Que Deus ricamente vos abençoe!
(acho que é a 1º vez que escrevem no teu blog em PortuguÊs)
Alice Pratas