Sunday, August 17, 2008

Leap of Faith

Today, we realized just how much of a family we, with our group of interns, have become.

Today, our church service was divided for the first time. Ken and Arlene Flurry and 4 of our interns held a service at MozOvos(the egg business) in the community of Agostinho Neto. Our family stayed behind with the other 4 interns to have our regular service at our house in 25 de Junho.

Either the gray and dreary weather or the being separated into two groups dampened everyone's spirits today. The mood was a bit somber.

For our interns, it's comparable to the leap we made as we moved to Mozambique from the United States.

Yet, we know it's part of the life of a missionary, and even the life of a believer, to be able to step out of our comfort zones to take the message of Jesus to those who haven't heard.

What "leap" are you looking at in your life to be able to share Jesus with someone? Scary, huh?
We would love to hear about it and pray with you, so leave a comment or send us an e-mail!

A few prayer requests:

Please pray for Ken and Arlene Flurry, our colleagues. They have now been robbed a total of 3 times in the month they have been here.

Please continue to pray for our financial needs. God is faithful and we know He already knows the outcome.

1 comment:

Joush said...

I don't know if you remember me from lakeside, but last time you came to visit I spoke with you a little bit, and it's around the time I became interested in missions.
Now I'm taking an SBS with YWAM ( in Taipei, and I'm in the middle of the school. Before leaving I tried to raise some money for the coarse with a job, but all of it went into my car. The support I raised all together before leaving was just enough for the plane ticket. God was gracious enough to provide a the first semester and 6 months of monthly support, as well as some small offerings here and there from friends.
Now I'm in the middle of the school, and I have 2 months left of support, and still waiting on this semester's school fees (plus a possible expense of needing glasses depending on what the eye doctor says tomorrow).
The ticket I bought was a two way ticket, and I'm also thinking and praying about doing an optional outreach portion that includes teaching what we've learned in places like China and Mongolia.
My leap of faith is focusing on my work and trusting God do provide what I need.
Deut 8:3b "... man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."