Sunday, November 2, 2008

Many Reasons to Celebrate!

The problem with "blogging" is that some of us just aren't very good at it! :) We are now more than a month since our last blog and many, many things have happened. Good things and bad things. Today, we will choose to celebrate and praise the Lord for the good things. We'll give you "snippets" of our life this past 5 weeks.

Andrew-we were able to spend a week with Andrew in Kenya. He's doing very well in all areas of school life.

Stephen-Makes us laugh, has lots of friends who are here to play every day, is now the proud owner of 2 chameleons and 2 other lizards that look like miniature dinosaurs.

MozOvos-the egg business is doing well. Our "ladies"(what we call the hens) are producing over 60 dozen eggs a day. We are all working hard to sell them, get contracts with restaurants and stores, etc. We are still waiting on many more hens to arrive.

Ministry-always exciting! Yesterday, we had a unified service for the 2 congregations; the one that meets at our house and the one that meets at MozOvos. 71 were in attendance and it was a great celebration time! People came that we have been in relationship with for the many months we have lived at this location and it was their first time to come. Rui-the representative for our landlord, who comes to collect our rent each month. The auto parts shop owner from next door. Eugenia, the lady Lynne has made friends with, who works in a shop nearby. Many people who participate in soccer each week came as well. Our dear friends, Charlie and Angie(IMB missionaries), came and their presence was a huge encouragement to us.(They are the other white faces in the group photo!)

We'll try to write again this week and share some prayer needs!

In the meantime, enjoy the photos and short video of our celebration service! Both are poor quality due to the fact that our good camera has been stolen.
Pay close attention to the little guy in the red shirt! The people are singing "Our Jesus is Good."


Angie said...

It was a pleasure to be there on Sunday! Thanks for inviting us. I love the video of Angelo.

Ellie said...

Don't worry if you are good at blogging. I don't mind. I liked both your stories, and LOVED the video! Just write, because as you do, I learn more about you, and what you do.

I like the description of the egg project. What a good idea!

Post a photo of the dragon lizards if you have time and can without your camera. My boys love lizards of any kind. We don't currently own one, but we have three snakes, a turtle, and a praying mantis all in containers lined up in my kitchen - the only place I can keep an eye on them so the snakes stay IN the cages!

Brad said...

Hey Friends--
I remember that song in the video. it brought back beautiful memories of our worship time with you and the guys. I praise God for what he is doing through you. Thanks for the update. Wow!
Brad Franklin

Brad said...
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Anonymous said...

God is using you in many ways seen and unseen. I struggle with some of the same things you do--questioning my attitudes, effectiveness, any hope of reflecting Christ to those around me. But God is there. As we say in French, "Du courage!"

P.S. I am taking part in a positive program, Hope of the Harvest, enabling women to meet their basic needs through loans, teaching on basic business practices and Bible lessons. For more info contact Women of the Harvest.