Change is never easy! This change may be the hardest yet. Over five years ago we began praying and dreaming about a ministry that would shape the hearts and minds of young Mozambican men. Five years later God has blessed us with MozOvos our egg farm, a house full of young Mozambican men who are being shaped as Christian leaders caring for their soul, being challenged in leadership skills, how to lead in ministry and in the end work to cover the cost of their lives and ministry. Several have already graduated and moved on to life and ministry. Living with these guys has been the highlight of our life here in Mozambique. We are so grateful for the four years the Internship as we know it has made a difference here in Mozambique. However do to financial realities we are forced to make some big changes.
For Over a year now MozOvos our egg farm has fully funded the international Internship In Mission. Our life together was a 3000.00 a month bill that was payed for by MozOvos. Earlier in the year MozOvos suffered a financial set back due to to a drop in market pricing of eggs nationally in which we could not compete. This led to a snow ball effect of debt and late payments. MozOvos just did not have the capital in reserves to recover form a few months of bad sales. We realized that if we did not make some major changes not only was the internship at risk but also the business.
In lieu of going bankrupt and or loosing our good reputation, the leadership choose to shut down the internship, for 60 days, terminate 6 positions at the business, create one strong leadership team and reinvent the whole ministry. Now that we have cut the budget by several thousand dollars a month and closing down the internship the newly formed leadership team will work to reinvent the internship philosophy into the day to day life at Mozovos. These changes comes with great cost and a loss as living together is such an important element in philosophy and actual shaping of a leader.
We hope that by making these hard changes MozOvos will one day have more reserves financially, be able to invest in itself and have greater cash flow. We pray to be able to build office space, an egg dispensary, bio security room and even an internship house on our own property. We pray the hard decisions and sacrifice made today will allow the ministry as a whole to grow from a position of strength and realize our dreams.